Hi! I'm Kalei Winfield. I'm the junior graphic designer at Pluck in Burlington, VT. I specialize in branding, social media campaigns, video production, and web design. My pieces are minimalist, airy and have themes of feminism and positive mental health. My experience as a woman has helped me shape my understanding on body positivity, learning disorders and female empowerment. Designing is very therapeutic for me and I'm lucky to have found my purpose in life.
Girl on a mission
Just for fun...
When I'm not designing I love to spend my time outdoors.
I'm currently learning to snowboard which is a rite of passage for Vermonters. HGTV is my guilty pleasure and unfortunately for my wallet, so are tacos.
When my partner and I travel, I love taking polaroid pictures of the new places we discover. Hiking is a new norm since covid but we have enjoyed every minute in nature. Burlington is full of interesting people and there is always something going on in town. My best memories will always be riding our bikes to the farmers market on a hot summer day.